2024 Classic Tetris World Championship: Timestamps

The 2024 Classic Tetris World Championship (CTWC) took place at the SoCal Retro Gaming Expo from June 7-9.

It had relocated from Portland, Oregon to Pasadena, California.

The tournament format was the same as last year.

In the Qualifying round, players were given 2 hours to play as many games as possible. The Multiple Maxout rule was still in play, where players were ranked by the amount of Maxouts achieved.

The Top 48 qualified for the Main bracket. Seeds 1-16 had a bye to Round 1, while Seeds 17-48 started in Round 0.

All matches were a Best of Five.

(For anyone that wants to view the Silver and Bronze bracket. Here you go.)

2024 CTWC Timestamps


Here are the timestamps for the 2024 CTWC Matches

Qualifying Rounds

List of Players that were in the Qualifying rounds, includes players that are not in the livestream.

Classic Tetris

Qualifying Session #1 – Hydrant, Doge, Brodin, DMJ
YouTube | Twitch

Qualifying Session #2 – PixelAndy, DanV, Dog, Fractal
YouTube | Twitch

Qualifying Session #3 – Sidnev, Dengler, Alex T, Scuti
YouTube | Twitch

Qualifying Session #4 (Saturday) – Jeff Moore, Ben Mullen, Chris Bidwell, Ansel
YouTube | Twitch


Qualifying Session #1 – Lazer, Jerpi, Biggie, Mecex

Qualifying Session #2 – Myles, Tristop, SV, Rahmations

Qualifying Session #3 – Coal, Cheez, EricICX, Huflufugus (Huff)

Qualifying Session #4 (Saturday) – Ryan Amburgy (Ryan H), CrafteeKim (Kim), Jaws, TotalRadNES


Qualifying Session #1 – Eliwa, Bendy, Cobalt, Pollo

Qualifying Session #2 – Sodium, Opaux, Hepps, Tugi

Qualifying Session #3 – Wallbant, Kirjava, Rhubarb, Meme


Qualifying Session #1 – Foryst, Redshurt, leepinephrine121 (Lee 121), id_kirby

Qualifying Session #2 – Daasiann, Dekk, TetrisTime, Kitaru (Alex Kerr)
Twitch – Part 1 | Twitch – Part 2

Qualifying Session #3 – Tyler, Sharky, Doodle, Cobra

Round 0 – Top 48

Marfram and aGameScout go over stats
YouTube | Twitch

Alexey Pajitnov and Henk Rogers Introduction
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Four Game Crashers receive certificates
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Match #1: Cobra vs Rhubarb
Match #2: Cobalt vs Gwafey
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Match #3: Hepps vs id_kirby
Match #4: Meme vs Mecex
YouTube | Twitch

Match #5: Doge vs Wallbant
Match #6: Brodin vs Dan V
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Match #7: Daasiann vs LeCaptain
Match #8: Eren vs Tugi
YouTube | Twitch

Match #9: Ansel vs SV
Match #10: Dekk vs Hydrant
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Match #11: Redshurt vs El Òscar
Match #12: Terence Y vs Jerpi
YouTube | Twitch

Match #13: Doodle vs EricICX
Match #14: PixelAndy vs TetrisTime
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Match #15: Deewee vs Koster
Match #16: Armstrong vs Opaux
YouTube | Twitch

Round 1 – Top 32

Note: Match #1 started one game late due to technical problems

Match #1: Rhubarb vs Scuti
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Match #2: Meme vs Fractal
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Match #3: Coal vs id_kirby
Match #4: Tristop vs Cobalt
YouTube | Twitch

Match #5: Dan V vs Sodium
Match #6: Alex T vs Eren
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Match #7: Huflufugus (Huff) vs Wallbant
Match #8: LeCaptain vs DMJ
YouTube | Twitch

Match #9: Dog vs Jerpi
Match #10: Lazer vs SV
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Match #11: Hydrant vs Myles
Match #12: Redshurt vs Cheez
YouTube | Twitch

Match #13: Dengler vs EricICX
Match #14: PixelAndy vs Rahmations
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Match #15: Dillan vs Koster
Match #16: Sidnev vs Opaux
YouTube | Twitch

Round 2 – Top 16

Tetris Anthem
YouTube | Twitch

Match #1: Coal vs Scuti
Match #2: Fractal vs Tristop
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Match #3: Huflufugus (Huff) vs DMJ
Match #4: Alex T vs Sodium
YouTube | Twitch

Flex Cam
YouTube | Twitch | Twitch Highlight

Match #5: SV vs Dog
Match #6: PixelAndy vs Sidnev
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Match #7: Cheez vs Myles
Match #8: Dengler vs Dillan
YouTube | Twitch

Bonus Content

Beach Ball
YouTube | Twitch

Vince Presents CTWC Lifetime Achievement Award
YouTube | Twitch | Twitch Highlight

YouTube | Twitch | Twitch Highlight


Player Intro
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Fire Alarm – It was the Popcorn Machine
YouTube | Twitch | Twitch Highlight

Match #1: Tristop vs Scuti
Match #2: DMJ vs Alex T
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Interview with Loser of Match #2
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Interview with Loser of Match #1
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Player Intro
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Match #3: Noah Dengler vs Sidnev
Match #4: Myles vs Dog
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Interview with Loser of Match #3
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Interview with Loser of Match #4
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream


Player Intro
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Match #1
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Interview with Loser of Match #1
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Player Intro
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Match #2
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Interview with Loser of Match #2
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Jonas Neubauer’s Mother, Sharry Neubauer, makes a guest appearance
YouTube | Twitch


3arrett presents Special Prize for the Winner
YouTube | Twitch

Player Intro
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Finals Match
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Interview with Runner-up
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

Interview with Winner
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream

What am I watching?
YouTube | Twitch | YT Livestream



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Alex T with the Golden J-Piece Trophy
Classic Tetris World Championship

Alex T Wins The 2024 Classic Tetris World Championship

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CTWC 2023 Finals - Audience Perspective
Classic Tetris World Championship

How To Watch The 2024 Classic Tetris World Championship


    • Zach
    • July 7, 2024

    No gold bracket photo?

      • Wingfryer
      • July 16, 2024

      I wanted to make it easy for people to find the timestamp pages. For Silver and Bronze bracket, I used the group photo because I could not find a 2024 CTWC logo for Silver and Bronze.

    • X22Tic
    • August 3, 2024

    Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

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